Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Taa Daa!

Hello April! As the new month kicks off, I'm thinking of all the fabulous things I want to achieve this month. And in order to make my commitment to this list just a little bit more binding, I offer them to you here.
  • Take all my new design sketches and turn them into actual stock for my Etsy shop.
  • Paint my bedroom furniture. My collection is all a bit mis-matched at the moment and I am envisaging a beautiful, glossy black finish.
  • Write a daily to do list, and then actual DO most of it!
  • Organise my studio; it's getting a little hard to work in there as everyone seems to put all the things they don't know what to do with in there.
  • Try to recognize what is thrifty recycling and what is actually just hording crap!
  • Learn some tricks to pretty up this blog for you all. I have grand plans to do this but keep getting distracted by all the other cool things I find.
In amongst the usual day to day commitments that come with a three year old and a baby, I think this is more than enough for now. I have such a huge mental list of all the things I would like to do around here, that it is often hard to even just get started. Most of the time I imagine myself wandering around with a magic wand, Fairy Godmother style, and miraculously transforming everything in my wake. Which would be really handy for my regular compulsion for redecorating. What about you? Get you month kicked off with a goal or two and commit to it here. We can all check back at the end of the month and see how we did. Ready? Go!

1 comment:

Tizzalicious said...

To do lists are the best, I don't get anything done without them!