Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Flickr Favorites

1. Magic Mushroom, 2. hiii - Day 314, 3. my favourite bits of the wall stickers, part II, 4. I've been feeding my hamster spinach, 5. Dream, 6. Versailles, 7. giant wadlow, 8. Going to see Marie Antoinette, 9. Harry loved his hoop, 10. pals slap alps laps, 11. DSC_0211r warm, 12. boy love 1, 13. Sophie, 14. Self-portrait, 15. Skyward., 16. MicroZo

I do love a bit of Flickr magic to get the creative juices flowing first thing in the morning. Here's my pick for you to enjoy over your morning coffee, or evening Scotch, as the case may be.


Elizabeth said...

Inspiring. Thought-provoking. Sinister. Sweet.

Tizzalicious said...

That mushroom is too cute!

thescientificlolita said...

The hamster is cute!

Have you seen

Eyeliah said...

#2, leila is so inspiring! :-)