That's right folks, this week got off to a cracking start as in my morning haste I tripped on the couch and broke my toe! There was some serious yelping and jumping up and down, as I had Miss One in my arms at the time too. The result is a very bruised, very immobile pinky toe, and a very grumpy disposition. I would like to say that I am one of those "fiddle dee dee" types who can then carry on with a stoic smile, but I am being a bit of a sook. And I hate the way something so small can affect my mood so greatly.
I've been limping around and noticing how every little annoyance becomes exponentially greater in this light, and then getting even more pissy at myself for being so weak willed. I know I can choose to look on the bright side and count my blessings, but sometimes you just have to get the cranky out of your system. What I need now is June Cleaver to pop over with her cleaning gear and a pitcher of Margaritas, but tonight I'll just have to settle for vodka and an ice pack.
Oh dear!
Thants no good at all, someone stepped on my foot on NYE, all I have is a killer bruise so I can't imagine how you must feel.
Get better, I'll send some of the maids over to whip up some scones for you.
Poor toe!!! I did a similar thing today by walking down the hallway and accidently kicking the stack of new phone books that were delivered recently. OUCH!!
Lots of hopping and hand-flapping ensued.
It's not broken though, so I can't imagine how painful your toe must feel. :-(
I think the vodka will definitely help!
Oh no! I hope it will heal soon!
ahhh vodka... such a wondrous cure to many things.
hope your toe heals soon.
i broke my ankle last week and crutches are such an annoyance. luckily, my boyfriend has become my humble slave. (even if it is just to avoid me shouting at him)
I did that on the 4th of July last year. It was horrible as all I had to walk around in was high heeled flip flops. Hubbs made it feel better though when he took me thrifting the whole afternoon! ;0)
Hope you feel better.
*Try taping it to one of your other toes if you haven't already. It prevents you from those accidental piggy wiggles.
Some arnica cream (as long as skin isn't broken) and Advil will work well. Then pop some arnica orally 30 minutes after the Advil and occasionally throughout the day.
Poor you! I can only imagine the yelping. I hope that Miss One wasn't too alarmed. It seems like an all round bad foot week, strained a muscle in my foot and have been lurching about like Frankenstein's monster most of the week!
What a bummer! I've done similar (but on a piano) so I've felt your pain. I hope the ice the vodka make you feel better.
aw know the pain! hopefully you'll be back in ur heels in no time!
Oh you poor thing! I keep a bottle of vodka in the freezer myself (for medicinal purposes of course...) for just such an emergency.
I also recommend Champagne and chocolate. You know - for the pain.
Hope you are back to feeling your sunny self soon
agh how awful! hope you're feeling better soon :(
Ouch, ouch, ouch! I'd say take it easy and chaise lounge about with chocolates and some old hollywood movies but I know thats impossible with two babies.
So instead I'll say, I hope it mends and becomes bearable asap...plus I think I know you well enough to know that you're not the type to like lounging around when theres worlds to conquer! xxx
Well,tell that darn couch to stay out of your way!
I know how heart-stopping that is when you have a little one in your arms.So sorry that happened to you both.
Take care of that toe and enjoy your spirit lifting libations!
Ouch! Hope you get better soon!
I did the same thing last week while on vacation. I then had to search for a cheap pair of comfy shoes to wear that let my toe have lots of extra room. I ended up getting these khaki flats with a ace bandage looking strap across, they were very cozy but not very cute. I called them my potato shoes. I hope you have some comfy shoes and that your toe heals quickly. Mine is still sore but after a few days it's much easier to walk. Good luck!
Thank you so much everyone.
PB: You are so right. I find I can't stay of it when there is so much to be done!
Pretty Pirate: Fortunately I had just purchased my first pair of "nana" shoes for their vintage looks, and as it happens they are perfect for housing this injury.
Oh no, your poor toe! I hope the vodka is helping. It is, of course, absolutely medicinal this week now!
i broke my toe last week as well! vodka was my first medicinal port of call also. it'll be healed in six weeks anyway (or so my mother the doctor keeps telling me, hoping that the information will make me less grumpy) - get well soon toes!
Hope you are feeling better ASAP!
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