Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Art of Procrastination

Yes, I finally have a small window of time to sort and clean out my wardrobe, which I usually love doing,( The Virgo in me) but I just can't seem to make it happen. It's 34 degrees celcius again today, so it's really too hot and sticky to try things on as I go. I have simply got FAR too many clothes (when I moved house I had about eight large cartons of them) and I honestly only wear about a quarter.
The problem is I am a super organised, minimalist loving - creative hoarder with maximalist tendencies! Perhaps that's the problem of being born a Leo on the Virgo cusp.

I imagine my wardrobe all spread out beautifully in front of me - which would of course take one the size of Paris Hilton's - with everything sorted by type and then of course having a computerized cross referencing system that let me keep track of everything and how and when I wore it together. But I'm sure that the reality of this would bore me as part of what I love about fashion is the ability to find new ways of wearing things every time you look at them.

Anyway, the best I can do right now is get back on the wagon over at www.mystylediary.com where I posted a few outfits pre the last pregnancy.

So I think this time I'll change my tactic in how to tackle this wardrobe. There was some great advice from Gala over at iCiNG
I don't usually go to such lengths to purge my wardrobe, but this time there are so many Vintage pieces and things I LOVE but never wear - I may have to get more ruthless and use these tactics to justify it all to myself.

Besides.... I really want to see my chair again!

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